Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sept 15-19 Programs

Hello Here-on-Earthlings!

I hope you have listened to our program on last Thursday about Nation Beat. They are such a joyful band to listen to that all of us in the studio were clapping and dancing with them. Pure fun.

Jean is coming back on Monday and we have prepared the following programs for the next week.

Monday: Being Young and Arab in America. How does it feel to be a problem? W.E.B. Du Bois first posed this question in his classic, The Souls of Black Folk, and now, over a century later, Moustafa Bayoumi explores the same question through the first-hand accounts of seven young Arab and Muslim Americans.

Tuesday: Field Guide to the British. Sarah Lyall is a London correspondent for the New York Times who has written in the words of critic Malcolm Gladstone, "an exquisite, hilarious, and devastating dissection of the British psyche."

Wednesday: Prescription for Survival. 87-year old Dr. Bernard Lown is a cardiologist who invented the defibrillator before cofounding the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War for which he won the Nobel Peace Prize. He joins us to talk about his Prescription for Survival.

Thursday: Beatrice's Goat is a children's book that tells the story of a little girl growing in Uganda too poor to go to school. The gift of a goat named Luck changed her life. Beatrice is now working on her masters degree at the Clinton School for Public Service in Arkansas.

Friday: We are still looking for a food program. Any suggestions?

Lisa Bu
Web Producer
Here on Earth

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am newly registered first time voter, a natural born citizen of the United States of America, of hispanic descent and live Texas. My father is a naturalized citizen who served in our Navy as a young man and has achieved more in this country, our United States of America, than ever possible in any other country. Though I have never been interested in politics before, this election has compelled me for the love of our country, the freedoms we all take for granted too often, and each individual who does all they can to continue towards a "more perfect union". Our country needs us all to educate everyone around each one of us as to our basic voting rights.

That being said, I am terrified, I have been watching news reports, TV and online, and there have been multiple tactics by GOP to keep the student vote down in many swing states: Colorado, Virginia, Wisconsin and probably many more.

There are flyers and rumors circulating amongst students (written in a manner that seems to be coming from other students to make these messages sound more authentic) that if they vote they can A) risk losing their scholarships or B) be arrested for parking tickets. IF they do actually vote, they will be directed to use provisional ballots. There are also flyers being distributed in Virginia and no doubt other states that say that a recent decision was made by the state legislature to hold two polling days due to the extremely high projected turnout. The flyer states for Republicans to vote on Tuesday, November 4th and Democrats to vote on Wednesday, November 5th.

These lies are very very scary. We must all do what we can to reassure students and all voters that these are ALL suppression tactics to try to steal the election from Barack. We cannot allow this to happen!

It is our constitutional right to vote, and all Americans must know this, and know that anyone who is trying to suppress your vote is suspect for fraud. This comes down to the collective hope we all have for our country and therefore we must all work to have Barack Obama in the White House as our next President of the United States.

Share these tactics with everyone you know and let them know what GOP is trying to do.